Children’s Dentistry in Rochdale

Developing and enjoying happy smiles

When it comes to teaching children about dental health and how to practice good oral hygiene, they can never be too young to start learning. Whether it is teeth-brushing routines or attending regular check-ups, our children’s dentistry is all about developing good habits and creating a happy and stimulating dental experience.

Preventing problems before they begin

As a parent or carer, a natural instinct is to safeguard your children. This includes their oral health and the best way to keep children protected against tooth decay and early stages of gum disease is to bring them to our dentists around the age of 12 months.

By introducing good oral care habits, baby teeth are unlikely to require treatment but any tooth can become chipped or damaged through lively behaviour. At Edenfield Cosmetic & Dental Care you can be sure we will be able to help.

Regular visits to our friendly dental surgery in Rochdale will enable us to:

  • Check your child’s teeth are developing as they should do
  • Provide professional and reassuring guidance on brushing and oral care
  • Help you to detect any signs of early tooth decay
  • Advise you and your children with dietary habits that may affect their teeth
  • Carry out a thorough and effective professional clean on your child’s teeth
  • Talk to your children about the importance of dental health and keeping a happy smile

Healthy habits keep teeth happy

We want all children to have positive experiences when looking after their dental hygiene. By making the trip to the dentist a fun time or creating games when brushing their teeth, you and your children will enjoy the benefits over time when seeing their teeth grow through.

So by visiting our dentist at a very early age, we can monitor your children’s baby teeth right through to when their adult teeth start appearing. As well as overseeing their general dental health, we have the best chances of detecting any potential problems such as the beginning signs of tooth decay.

We can then recommend fissure sealants to further protect their teeth.

How much is children’s dentistry?

Children who regularly visit a dentist from a young age will enjoy a much healthier smile. Please feel free to contact our reception team to find out the cost of your child’s dental health check, oral hygiene appointments or figure sealants.

Book your consultation

It is never too early to introduce your child to our friendly and welcoming dental team in Rochdale. Make an appointment today and protect your family from tooth decay.


For more information on Childrens Dentistry or to book an appointment call 01706 644 301 or fill in our online form.